On the 30th of May 2013, Travel Communication Romania organized for AIR FRANCE KLM group in Romania a press event to communicate the latest news of the company. The event had two major “happenings”, a press conference during which the company announced the latest news of Air France and KLM and a fashion show with the vintage collection of Air France uniforms.
The press conference announced new destinations of Air France and KLM, news of the Paris Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam Schiphol airports, Amsterdam 2013 event, Flying Blue awarded the best airline loyalty program in Europe-Africa region, the wifi flights that Air France and KLM have introduced in a pilot program starting with May 29th and the Top 100 Clients program benefits for AIR FRANCE KLM Romania top passengers.
The fashion show included 15 uniforms from the 1930′ and up to present, being created as a history of the flight attendants uniforms. The catwalk was done by professional models and moderated by Dana Rogoz, actress and TV host, and Ovidiu Buta, fashion critic and TV host.
The event took place in a hystoric building of Bucharest, a current art gallery and events hall. It included a light lunch.
52 business, fashion and leisure journalists and bloggers attended the event, and the resulting media coverage was excellent. The event reached several media means: TV, written media, online and blogs.
More details about the event and images are available on the following link: http://travelcommunication.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Travel-Communication-AF-KLM-Press-conference.pdf