Forbes Magazine continues to award excellent performances by young professionals with the 2015 edition of the “top 30 under 30.” For the fourth year in a row, the prestigious magazine gathers and selects 30 successful stories of young people under 30 years old, from different fields of activity and backgrounds. Among those nominated for this year’s edition is Andra Pascu, Communication & Events Manager for Travel Communication Romania.
At only 27 years old, Andra Pascu is the communication & events manager of Travel Communication Romania. But perhaps the most important aspect of her success is that she does something she is really passionate about.
At the beginning of her career, Andra started working in the field of diplomacy, where, in fact, she first discovered her passion for communication: “the passion for communication started to shape up while I was working for the Bucharest office of the United Nations Development Program, in the Department of Communication. Alongside a person to whom I am profoundly grateful to this day, the writer Alexandra Ares, I learned what communication is all about”, tells Andra, acknowledging that “the best things in life are those you do not plan”.
About the second component of her business, i.e. tourism, she says it is a “family passion”, being her husband’s, Razvan Pascu (Managing Partner, Travel Communication Romania), area of expertise. Working together, we reached the conclusion that, at the time, very few companies understood the field of tourism, so “in 2012 we decided to combine Andra’s passion for communication with Razvan’s passion for tourism, quit her job of Business Support Manager at Carrefour and thus was born the PR, marketing and events company Travel Communication Romania.